
< Benutzer:Schinken
topic body type description
psa/alarm message string irc alarm message
psa/pizza empty irc pizza message
tts/lounge empty Text-to-Speech Lounge
tts/hackcenter empty Text-to-Speech Hackcenter
secure/door/operate open/close bool Processes the sent operation.
sensor/door/frame open/close bool if the door is open or closed
sensor/door/lock open/close bool if the door is locked or unlocked
sensor/door/button door button bool if the door button is pressed
sensor/door/bell door bell bool if the door bell rings
sensor/backdoor/lock door lock bool status of the backdoor lock
sensor/temperature/lounge/podest temperature float temperature
sensor/temperature/lounge/ceiling temperature float temperature
sensor/temperature/hackcenter/shelf temperature float temperature
sensor/temperature/misc/cnc temperature float temperature
sensor/temperature/misc/restroom temperature float temperature
sensor/temperature/misc/rack temperature float temperature
sensor/temperature/misc/outside temperature float temperature
sensor/radiation/cpm radiation counts int counts per minute
sensor/radiation/uSv micro-sievert float radiation
sensor/space/member/count member count int member count present
sensor/space/member/present members present string[] member currently present
sensor/space/status open/close bool current space status
sensor/space/accountBalance money float current account balance

secure/door/operate should be secured through authentication to mosquitto (ACL rule) and SSL connection